
TransWave Jamaica

Economic Well-being
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Kyrgyz Indigo

Economic Well-being
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People’s Matrix Association

Personal security and violence
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LGBTI Support Center

Personal security and violence
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LAMBDA Association

Civic and political participation
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The Initiative for Equal Rights (TIERs)

Personal security and violence
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South Africa


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Trinidad and Tobago

I Am One

Economic Well-being
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Voice of the Voiceless (VoVo)

Personal security and violence
View Organisation
  • Sustainable Development Goals and LBT+ inclusion (2021)
  • Out of the Margins key findings: civil and political participation
  • Out of the Margins key findings: personal security and violence
  • Out of the Margins key findings: health
  • Out of the Margins key findings: education
  • Out of the Margins key findings: economic well-being
  • New research report written by and for lesbians, bi women and trans people worldwide – Out of the Margins
  • Out of the Margins report (2020)
  • Commission on the Status of Women Guide, Outright Action International (2018)
  • Reprisals Handbook, ISHR (2018)
  • Third Committee of the UN General Assembly: A Practical Guide for NGOs, ISHR (2017)
  • Six Steps to Effective LGBT Human Rights Advocacy, ILGA-Europe (2010)
  • Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, Its Causes and Consequences, ILGA and ISHR (2018)
  • UN Treaty Bodies: LGBT recommendations, ILGA (2016)
  • SOGIESC UPR Advocacy Toolkit, ILGA (2017)
  • Advocacy before the African Human Rights System, IJRC (2016)
  • Crafting Inclusive Shadow Reports for CEDAW, IGLHRC (2009)
  • LGBT Rights in Africa, A. Ibrahim (2015)
  • A Guide for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Advocates, ARC International (2017)
  • The UN Special Procedures: A Guide for Advocates, ARC International (2015)
  • The Human Rights of LGBT People: A Primer to Working with the United Nations, Amnesty International (2005)
  • Advocacy at the United Nations, Human Rights Tools for a Changing World, Advocates for Human Rights (2015)